Writing Samples
Along with photography, I am an experienced writer and copy editor. Some of my articles and photos published in Capper's Farmer, Country, Successful Farming, and Farm & Ranch Living are located below.
Capper's Farmer Magazine Summer 2015 issue: "The Truth about Old Tractors" photo and article
Grit Magazine Mar/Apr 2018 issue: "Why I Farm" excerpt from Country Moon blog
Capper's Farmer Fall 2017 issue: "Christmas Traditions, the history behind some of our favorite Christmas celebrations"
Country Magazine June/July 2017 issue: "A Slice of Heaven" about a pie maker who teaches others the craft
Grit Magazine Sep/Oct 2017 issue half-page photo of garden
Farm & Ranch Living Magazine Aug/Sep 2015 issue: "Christmas Every Day" about a Michigan family who raises reindeer and takes them to shows
Farm & Ranch Living Magazine Aug/Sep 2012 issue: "Double the Fun" wrote the article for Mike Connin about his restored tractors, one from his family and one from his wife's. Took the photo of the two tractors together
Farm & Ranch Living Magazine Dec/Jan 2010 issue: four ice photo printed
Lake Access Magazine Summer 2018 issue: was a contributing author
Seasoned With Love 2017 issue: Designed and compiled a four-family cookbook as a fundraiser
Farm & Ranch Living Magazine October/November 2013 issue: "Raining Chestnuts" photos & article; available via subscription HERE!
Country Magazine December/January 2014 issue: "Fruitcake Adventure" photo & article; available via subscription HERE!
Country Magazine December/January 2013 Article on Ron & Chickie's Festival of Lights: FOUND ONLINE HERE!
Current Feature Writing/Photography Projects
I currently write a weekly column titled "Country Tidbits" for the Union City, MI Hometown Gazette.
I'm also currently writing blogs for Grit Magazine. Check out my weekly blog at http://www.grit.com/blogs/country-moon.aspx